Welcome Note & Introduction
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Enabling More Than Moore with Differentiated Standard Cell Library Solutions
Rajeela Deshpande, Mitesh Goyal
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
3:15 PM - 3:25 PM
Advanced Implementation Techniques for Ultra Low Power and Low-Cost Microcontroller Designs
Shipra Bassi, Kirtika Gupta, Akshita Srivastava
3:25 PM - 4:25 PM
X-PROP-Based Formal Methodology for Connectivity Verification for Power-Aware Control-Intensive Static Design Trees
Jayashri Patil, Manu Yeeshu, Nisha Philip
4:25 PM - 5:25 PM
Close Tutorial Session
5:25 PM - 5:30 PM